1 Ivy Cottage, Crantock in Cornwall
Our clients wanted the front garden tidied up before the 2023 Summer holiday season begins. So all three of us decended on Crantock for 4 days, with a view of re-establishing the beds and borders, pruning dead, diseased and damaged plants with an addition of fresh plants to give the established beds zing, with likes of Pittosporum teuifolium 'Wonder', Euphorbia 'Silver Edge', Camelia 'Volunteer', Different varieties of Helleborus and Azalea 'Johanna' to name a few
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Every successful product is the fruit of hard work and this applies to every field of business. Intuition alone is not enough to create a product that people will love and use. You also need to do your research, thinking, planning, differentiating yourself and more. Write about some of the challenges you faced in designing this product and what steps you and your team took to overcome them.